
sikakuTruspire4Point 1 A report done by a famous research firm…
Your competitors are reading it too.
– For a long time, management team of a leading company has requested research to a small consulting firm.
  •  Truspire conduct research only for our clients
  • Research is focused on the information that our client really needs.
  • It allows to develop unique strategy with the information you competitors don’t have.
 sikakuTruspire4Point 2 Truspire’s research method is orthodox.
  • Understand client’s need in research.
  • Research is done. Depending on the request, our partner firms will join us.
  • Progress reports to be submitted to the client.
  • We arrange company visits, if so the clients requests.
  • We can also attend to the company visits.
  • Discussion on the final report will be held with the client.
 sikakuTruspire4Point 3  Truspire has done researches in the topics such as below (extract).
  • Information System Security
  • Financial Institution and SCM
  • Private Banking
  • Knowledge Management
  • Financial Portal
  • Research over 10 industries for a securities company for investment strategy