KAIZEN Assessment in Ghana in a UNIDO Project

We are now being engaged in the project for expanding KAIZEN initiative through enhancing sustainable agri-business in Ghana organized by UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development) for a year till May 2024. The government of Ghana and its responsible body, Ghana Enterprise Agency (GEA) have been tackling the sector’s challenges by introducing and disseminating KAIZEN, but the impact had been rather limited, and the government requested UNIDO for further assistance.
The project aims at enhancing sustainable agri-business.  We train officials of GEA and visit SMEs together with them to assess the production process regarding Kaizen and provide them with assistance.
We conducted the first on-site training for officials of GEA in July 2023.1cee5b68-1f50-4560-8572-d314a477df4e (002)UNIDO (1)4c666339-8751-473f-985a-e4a637d8560b (002)
(July 2023)

Kyrgyz Recycle Business Matching Visit to Japan

EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) sent a delegate of Kyrgyz recycle business for a matching trip to Japan in May, and Truspire received them.  We made such plans for the delegate to visit N-Expo and meet Japanese exhibitors, recycle companies, recycle shops, as they can get up-dated info about the private business counterparts.  Public organizations such as Japan Containers and Packaging Recycle Corporation, Global Environment Dept. of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), and Yokohama Municipality Office with its waste processing factory welcomed them, prepared unique materials, and gave seminars for them.  The delegates were grateful for those opportunities.
We are pleased to know business matching dialogues have already been started between the delegate companies and their Japanese counterparts.

(Photo: At N-EXPO)
(May 2023)